Magnolia Masquerade Ball Recap! Now it is Saturday -- "game day". I had a nice breakfast at the Hotel -- we had to set up our own "dining room" OUTSIDE of the Restaurant, no comment here!!! Baxter (my amore), me and our new friend Sparkles (@sparklesthediva on Instagram) did a little photo shoot. I was getting nervous that Sparkles was checking out Baxter a little too much -- you know girls -- it is soo hard to meet a desirable guy these days and my luck with winning is as bad as my luck with guys. Next we ran into Lucy and Holly, (@lucyandholly_atlgirlzclub on Instagram) and Zoey (her mom is an up and coming designer @barknboujeeofficial on Instagram) and my favorite cat Coco (@cococouturecat on Instagram) -- the only cat I will share the runway with and did some pics with them. The biggest activity of the weekend is taking pics of us pups -- it is exhausting.
Time to get ready for the show!!! I donned my gorgeous gown designed by Belle Diva Couture and went down to the Ballroom. The G Girl "formula" was in full force. Table arrangements, ice sculpture, gorgeous cake, trophies and most importantly spirit. Needlesstosay I was very nervous to be "judged" and the momager really needed to calm down but once inside the judging room I aced it. Last part of the competition was Runway which we all know is a no brainer for me. So it is time to announce the winners and guess what my name was NOT CALLED AGAIN. I mean, really what does a girl have to do to win around here....Susan Lucci lost 19 times until she won her first Emmy oy -- I better start counting my "upsets".
I did win 1st Runner Up in the Belle Of The Ball photo contest but friends it is no consolation - this girl wants, I mean needs a BIG WIN!!!
Fashion Trends:
I felt like a princess in my fabulous gown, so it made my loss even more painful. But enough about me...a few fashion trends -- In Charlotte the winning gowns didn't seem to be that blingy -- they were more flowy, piecy, and had a different feel to them. I was quite surprised because I LOVE BLING in a BIG WAY!!!! Lots of muted shades -- and the boys were looking fabulous in sparkly blue and even some very blinged out outfits.
All in all a fabulous tribute to the Masquerade theme!
And guess what pups, we can all do it again....
Another Ball being held in Virginia in April 28/April 29, 2018 -- The Age Of Enlightenment Ball. The momager and I are confused as to what that is -- we now have to google to figure it out.
Will that be my moment?? Will I win an over-the-top-trophy for my efforts? Probably not -- maybe I won't even walk the Runway -- just be an Observer? In the meantime, lots of fun events in New York right now and I am going to as many as possible.
Remmber the bitches are not always the dogs!!!!